Sewer Billing Office Hours: Weekdays, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Phone: 215-947-3100
Fax: 215-947-3615
Sewer Billing Staff
Tara Lizzi
Sewer Billing Clerk
[email protected]
Township Sewer Rates & Bill Information
Residential Rates:
- Base: $88.00 per quarter
- Usage: $3.17 per 1,000 gallons exceeding 7,000 gallons of metered water
Residential Well:
- Flat: $103.00 per quarter
Residential Multi- Family:
- Base : $88.00 per quarter
- Usage: $3.17 per 1,000 gallons exceeding 7,000 gallons of metered water
Commercial, Industrial or Institutional:
- Base: $110.00 per quarter
- Usage: $12.70 per 1,000 gallons exceeding 14,000 gallons of metered water
Township Stormwater Rates & Bill Information
Residential Rates:
Residential Well:
Residential Multi- Family:
Commercial, Industrial, or Institutional:
Please click here for more Stormwater information
Please click here for Residential Stormwater information
Utility payments may be made by cash, a check made payable to "Lower Moreland Township" or by credit card online. To make a payment using a credit card, click here. Please note that payments made via credit card are subject to a per transaction convenience fee charged by MuniciPAY, a third party payment processing company. Such fees will be disclosed to the card holder at the time of the transaction. The transaction fee and utility payment will appear as two separate charges on your credit card statement. MuniciPAY is an authorized level PCI-DSS third party processor.
Utility Resale Certification
All Parcels within the municipality that are selling or
refinancing a property will require a Utility Certification. Please include the
following information to the township. The Utility Resale Certification will
include any Sewer and Stormwater billing information.
- Name of buyer
- Name of seller
- Address of property
- Parcel
- Date of settlement
- Contact information for the title company
- Please email a copy of the request
to [email protected] prior to mailing
A check for $25.00 should be
made payable to Lower Moreland Township and be mailed to 640 Red Lion Road,
Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006. Please note that it takes 7-10 business days to
process the certification. The sewer certification will be faxed 48 hours prior
to settlement to make sure the information is up-to-date.