Emergency Management

Emergency Management Contacts

Robert Scholly, Jr., Emergency Management Coordinator 
Rich Worthington, Deputy Emergency Management Coordinator
Mark Showmaker, Chief of Emergency Services

The goal of the Lower Moreland Emergency Management Agency is to prepare for, respond to, and help recover from the effects of a large natural or man-made event that may impact the community.

One of the main functions of emergency management is the preparation and maintenance of the township emergency management plan. In Pennsylvania, every local municipality must, by law, develop an emergency operations plan for their jurisdiction. The purpose of this plan is to prescribe the activities that will be taken by the municipal government and other community officials in the event of a disaster to protect the lives and property of its citizens. 

Another important function of Emergency Management is to administer programs that are designed to help residents during and after a disaster by proving timely and accurate information, and linking residents with local service organizations who can assist them.

Emergency management personnel also work closely with all of Lower Moreland’s emergency responders to help identify and provide training opportunities for these groups, as well obtain current information from County, State and Federal emergency management.

They also work with the School District, Red Cross, and other local organizations to identify resources for residents to use before a disaster strikes.

Please Note Regarding 911 Calls: If you use a cell phone near one of our border communities, there is a chance your call may end up in Philadelphia or another neighboring community's 911 call center so please identify your location clearly.